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Kristina Kinney

I seriously loved my time with Kristina. She is so inspiring, encouraging, and kind. Kristina is one of those people who you instantly know has an amazing heart. Her passion to help women know their worth, find for the life they want, and make big steps is admirable.

A quick message from Kristina: "My name is Kristina Kinney and I'm an LMT (licensed massage therapist) and

a certified life coach in upstate NY. I am a native of this area, specifically the

Finger Lakes area, for 52 years now. And no, I am not anywhere near the big

city, being NYC!

I was raised on a farm by christian parents, graduated from high school as an

average student and headed off to college. I didn't know what I was doing there

and within a year it showed and I decided to transfer back home to the

community college there and see if I could find my way. I didn't know what I

was doing there either so I quit, met a man, got married, had two children and

then got divorced after 8 years. I was then a single mom for the remaining child

raising years until I sent my children off to college to pursue dreams of their


In 2012, at the age of 45 I was now lost. My whole reason for being alive had

now gone off to college and I had no idea who I was. I spent about 4 months

having a great time. Acting like I was in my 20's again I would party and stay

up late etc. Having no idea what the rest of my life would look like. Until back

pain would send me to a massage therapist and ultimately change the course of

my life forever. At the age of 47 I headed back to college, terrified since I had

never finished a degree and positive that failure was again a possibility, but

determined that this would be different and this is where the rest of my story


I couldn't have dreamed I would be where I am, doing what I'm doing, but now

I dream even bigger and I plan on changing the world and how it views

massage forever. Its not just to relieve pain anymore. It is so much more. And

my life coaching will be focusing on women and helping them find themselves

and their worth and to know that they can do anything they want in life. That

its never too late. If you are breathing you can change your life. And possibly

change the lives of others."

Hope you enjoy!








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407 4th Ave SW

Zeeland, North Dakota 58581

Office Hours

Monday:   9:00 am - 4:30 pm

Tuesday:  9:15 am - 4:30 pm

Thursday:  9:15 am - 4:30 pm

​© 2021 by Kelly Sisson

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