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Episode 3: Mandy Wiebenga

Kelly meets with Mandy Wiebenga of Fashion Unfolded by Mandy to discuss her work with clients. Are you overwhelmed with your wardrobe? Are you sick of having no clothes that fit properly? Does it leave you feeling poorly about yourself? Mandy talks us through the steps of improving our closets and most importantly the view of ourselves. She's one of the best Encouragers!

Information for Mandy Wiebenga

Phone Number: 563.940.1056

K: Mandy, thank you so much for being on the show. I appreciate it!

M: Thanks for having me.

K: Yes! Do you want to do a quick introduction and tell everyone who you are?

M: Sure! My name’s Mandy Wiebenga and I’m the owner and founder of Fashion Unfolded by Mandy which is a wardrobe editing and styling business that I started probably about four years ago I believe. I live in the Collect Cities which is Davenport/Bettendorf/Rock Island/Moline area so I’m in the Midwest as well.

K: Awesome! Well, thank you for sharing that. Can you tell me a little bit about what made you want to start this business? You already have your husbands business that you help him with, right? You guys are co-owners of that?

M: Right, right.

K: So you do the landscaping. Can you tell everyone about that portion?

M: Sure, you bet. My husband and I own a landscaping design company. It’s called Aunt Murphy’s Landscaping out of Davenport, Iowa. I’ve worked with him for probably the last fifteen years or so and we have some rental property as well. Rental property is actually my background and landscaping is his background.

K: Oh, cool!

M: Yeah! It was my job for a while back to work with him in the business and I have really enjoyed that. We worked daily together. But about five years ago I kind of decided I wanted to do something that I had a passion for. I‘ve always enjoyed clothing and fashion since I was a small child through Junior High, High School and college. I grew up not really having a lot of money and came from a single mother who was working and such. I worked and I earned money so I could buy clothing when I was in high school, so I bought my own things. I’ve always had a passion for it.

But being in the midwest, you think, “Who’s really going to pay for styling services here?” You know, we’re three hours from the Chicago area but it’s still different. People might pay that in Chicago but not in the Collect Cities.

Five years ago, I decided that I was going to convert a bedroom into my working closet and at that point I was thinking that styling services would be great. But then, as I was doing the closet I thought, “How do people know what they have if they can’t see it?”

I had a small closet, then created this room closet and I thought, “Well, I could do styling but also wardrobe editing.”

People need to edit out their existing wardrobe to know what they have, be able to put outfits together and be creative with what they have in their closet. Sometimes we get so many items that it’s overwhelming.

That’s how I evolved into a business, after I created my walk in closet out of my bedroom. I also had friends that were very encouraging. They’d tell me, “You know, Mandy, you’re missing the boat here. You are missing your calling. You need to do this.”

I always helped friends and did it for myself. Really, for me, the goal is to help other individuals, primarily women, feel good about themselves. That’s really what it’s all about. Everyone wants to look good and feel good. It just goes hand in hand.

K: I would totally agree. I feel like twenty seven times I’ve said that it’s more than just clothes, you know? It’s more than just clothes. It’s a whole view of yourself, essentially. It can really shift for you.

M: I think that definitely, if you feel pulled together, put together and feel good about yourself, you just have more self-confidence and you’re more successful. I was talking with a friend the other day and she said the same thing. It might take us a while to put ourselves together with hair makeup and clothing, but you just feel more confident and pulled together. That’s how I look at it, anyway.

K: I would totally agree. Can we just take a moment to talk about your beautiful closet? Because it is so beautiful! That is absolutely my closet goals for later in life. Everything is just so pretty. You did really well with that.

M: Well, thank you! My husband actually - it was a gift from him for my birthday five years ago. We have an upstairs that we really weren’t using that was more for guests. Our family would come and visit but their kids are older now and they don’t visit as often so I thought, “Why don’t I utilize this space?”

We pretty much did it ourselves. I didn’t hire anybody. My husbands very creative and handy. Some pieces came from Ikea. We went up, measured, brought pieces back and yeah, it’s great. I never consider myself a closet guru but I can organize my closet.

When I work with my clients, I help them organize their closets when I do either editing or styling services. Sometimes it’s just random - shirts and pants and workout gear all together so I color coordinate it - put my tops together put my bottoms together and then organize by color.

I love it. It’s so much fun. I spend a lot of time up there.

K: That’s great use of the space, for sure.

M: I have a table or two so I can put on makeup there. All I’d need is a television but then I’d never come out.

K: Absolutely! Your husband would wonder if you disappeared or what’s going on.

M: Oh, when I’m gone - I’ll disappear for an hour - and he’ll be like, “She’s up in her closet again.” I love spending time putting outfits together, trying on different things, seeing what goes together, what doesn’t. It’s a lot of fun.

K: Can you explain to everyone the difference between editing and styling and how that process goes?

M: Absolutely. The services I offer are wardrobe editing, styling and building. Wardrobe editing is where we’re editing out your closet or your wardrobe. When I work with a client, I come in and take out, section by section, their closet. So I might take out all of their jeans and then we put them on a rack and go through all those jeans. We talk about what they like about them, what they don’t like about them. We want to get rid of things they aren’t wearing, that don’t fit, that are outdated or maybe just really worn.

When you edit, you want to end up with the items you enjoy wearing and that spark joy in your life, which is why you shouldn’t have all of these things you aren’t wearing. It really just bogs us down. When we do put our outfits together, when we have so much in our closet, it just makes it more difficult to put outfits together.

If you have ten pairs of pants and only wear two of them, why wear those other eight? Get rid of those.

The editing part is basically just editing out things you don’t like anymore, that don’t fit, that need alterations, and whatnot. When we edit those, I make a decision as to whether or not the item can be sold or donated. Maybe it needs alterations. Maybe they’re going to give it to a friend or co-worker, something like that.

Maybe an item needs to be sold. I have someone that sells items for my friends and personally, for myself and has sold clothing for the last twelve years.

Some people purchase clothes and then they never wear them. They've never taken the tags off of them. Those things that are of good quality and variety - they can be sold. So my clients end up making a little bit of money off of the items that we sell.

A lot of them we donate to places like Dress for Success if they’re business clothes, or just Good Will if it’s casual things.

Really, editing is just cleaning out your closet - getting down to the basics and the things that you wear on a regular basis.

Styling is putting outfits together with the items you have in your closet. Styling takes place after you edit. Some people are really good at editing out their own things, so they don’t need an edit. They just need a fresh set of eyes to put different outfits together.

I feel like we don’t really take the time to put outfits together. We just always wear the same pants with the same top or the same skirt with the same blouse-.

K: Guilty!

M: Yeah! We just don’t have the time or we don’t take time for ourselves. I always tell my clients to put their outfits together the night before, not the morning of. Usually, the morning of, we’re rushing. We’ve got kids or family that we need to tend to. You might have five minutes to put your outfit together and that’s it. So put it together the night before. You might have twenty minutes or whatever and you’re a little bit more creative then. You’re thinking, “Maybe I can put this top with these pants or this dress with this little jacket.” Giving yourself a little bit more time to put those outfits together makes you a little more creative, I guess.

That’s kind of where I come in when I do styling is creating new ways to wear old favorites. You have your favorite pieces but I help to figure out different ways to wear them and have them be interchangeable so that you’re getting more mileage out of them.

As I do the editing and styling, we’re also keeping a list of things that you can add to your wardrobe to help maximise what you already have. We keep that running list.

That’s where the building comes in and that’s shopping and building your wardrobe.

I tell my clients they don’t have to buy everything at once but if they’re out shopping, shop with a purpose. Buy the things on your list rather than all those fun things that you might wear once. Stick to the list and you’ll not have to edit as much out.

K: That’s really helpful. And I love that - shop with a purpose. Don’t just go in there and buy random things that later you’ll have to edit out, for sure.

M: Absolutely. One of my clients I’ve worked a lot with used to shop at a lot of the boutiques in our city. Her name is Amy and one day she came in and said, “Nope! I’m shopping with a purpose!” so it’s kind of funny. It’s kind of rubbed off on her.

Clients aren’t buying as much but they’re also shopping with a purpose in not getting a bunch of random things.

K: It kind of makes a lot of sense. Have you heard of a capsule wardrobe?

M: Yes, I have.

K: I had never heard of that term, to be honest with you, until after I met with you. One of my friends mentioned it and she was asking me if that was the same type of concept. I’d like to get your perspective on that. Do you support the capsule wardrobe? It seems really restrictive.

M: It is. You know, I don’t necessarily promote it or call it a capsule wardrobe. I thought about it for a little bit and thought that I kind of already do it without really knowing that I do it. I think a lot of people do. Capsule wardrobes contain a few essential and timeless pieces. So really, your basics. Then, you add more trendy items or seasonal items and accessories - things that are interchangeable. You add those things to it and that’s really kind of how you create that capsule.

So, I thought about that and thought about the fact that I kind of already do that and I promote that with my plans but I don’t call it a capsule wardrobe because I feel that it is restrictive.

If you read up on it, a capsule wardrobe could be thirty seven items, it could be fifty items, it could be ten items.

It’s those timeless, classic pieces that you should always have in your wardrobe, which I call a Wardrobe Basic Checklist. Then you add those seasonal items, or the trendy items or the fun pieces, the accessories and that’s how you create that capsule wardrobe.

K: That makes a lot of sense.

M: I think we kind of already do it. I know I personally do them but I don’t limit myself to thirty pieces or fifty pieces. For some people, that might be great but I don’t think it would work for me.

K: Absolutely. You know, it makes me think of the developer - Mark Zuckerberg that runs Facebook. And he did or still does wear the same gray t-shirt and jeans every day. I think, “That’s so cool, to be a guy.” You know, to be able to show up to business meetings in your gray t-shirt and your jeans. What a life that is!

If you had to think of maybe five items that would be really helpful to somebody - maybe they already have it in their closet - but that would help them on the right path? It doesn’t have to be five items but what would you say would be the main ones that you would really encourage people to have.

M: Well, definitely a dark pair of skinny jeans or bootcut jeans. Jeans that don’t have a lot of distressing and are more of a dark wash. And it depends on your body type. Skinny jeans are not necessarily for me. I’m better off with a bit of a straight leg with a flare. So, depending on your body type, a pair of dark wash jeans.

I would also say a denim jacket because that goes great over a little black dress, which would be another one. It doesn’t need to be a cocktail dress but maybe a maxi dress or knee length dress that can take you from daytime at work to maybe an evening out and then throwing on a little denim jacket that’s a medium wash. You don’t want a really light wash. If you just had one, I’d say a more of a medium to a darker wash.

Another one to have would be a classic white, button down shirt. A kind of crip shirt that’s kind of fitted.

And then, I would say, probably a blazer. A black blazer. Those are kind of my staple items that I have in my wardrobe that I encourage the clients that I work with to have because you can interchange those pieces. Even those pieces that I mentioned - you can interchange a lot of those.

Another one would be a little faux leather or leather jacket or modo jacket because you can throw that over a dress, you can wear that with jeans, or with a skirt.

I think that was six items.

K: That’s okay! That gives everyone an idea of where to really start. After we talked, I bought a jean jacket. I don’t know if you remember that. And then I finally got the guts to wear the leather jacket. I was really excited about that because I felt like I knew how to style them, you know?

M: I love that. That’s awesome!

K: If somebody isn’t local, and lets say they’re not able to access your skills, how would they go about editing themselves?

M: I would say the best thing is having an extra set of eyes. Maybe have a friend that lives near you come over to your home and help you edit your closet. You want somebody that’s going to be brutally honest. That’s what I do when I go in. I basically tell you whether you should keep it or not.

If someone has an attachment to something, I’m certainly not going to say, “You have to get rid of that!”

But yeah, invite a friend over, have a glass of wine or some tea or coffee and have them help you edit your closet like I would. Pull out pieces - you need to try the pieces on if you can. Pieces look different on a hanger than they do on you. If you have a friend that can be honest with you, not one of those friends who’s always like, “Yes! Everything looks great on you!”

Great, they don’t want to hurt your feelings. But you really need someone that’s going to be honest when they come over to help you.

I also can do virtual styling but sometimes that’s harder for the editing part. It’s a little bit easier for the styling.

Really, I think it’s having a second set of eyes that will be brutally honest with you.

K: That’s great advice, for sure. I’m glad that you mentioned the virtual styling because I remember I messaged you and wanted to be able to meet with you so badly and said, “Can we try doing this virtually?” and it worked really well!

M: It did!

K: Yeah! It was awesome! I was really glad to be able to have that. I know for me, personally, of course me being in North Dakota and you being in Iowa, I had to do the editing portion myself. Anything that didn’t fit I sold or like you recommended to me, I sold or donated. Anything that looked kind of scruffy - well, there was one shirt that looked a little scruffy and I thought I’d wear it around the house, it’s fine! But yeah, that was really helpful.

I’ll tell you, there is something that’s really different about opening up your closet and knowing that anything in there fits. That was so freeing.

M: It really is. There was a client of mine - she said, “Mandy, you changed my life!” And I said, “What? You know, all we’re doing is just cleaning your closet.” And she goes, “No really, you’ve made me become more organized. Once I got my closet organized, it made me more organized in other parts of my life.”

So, whether that’s your kitchen or how you go about your day. She said, “Once I started out my day organized and I felt like my closet was, once I put my outfit together and felt good, it just kind of trickles down into other parts of our lives.”

She told me that and I thought, “How can that be?”

But it’s definitely true.

K: Absolutely.

M: It makes you feel good when you look in there and think, “I love everything in here.” And then you go to those pieces and put different things together and you’re going to feel good about that.

K: I totally agree with you on that. I actually have a surprise for you!

M: You do?

K: You know, we have a mutual friend - Pam, who is fantastic. Shout out to Pam! I contacted Pam and I asked her if she could just summarize what your work in her life has meant so that I could share it with you and all of the listeners. Do you mind if I read her little statement?

M: No! That’s - oh my gosh, yes. Go ahead.

K: Okay. I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Mandy for about twelve years now. I’ve always admired her style and the way she presents herself - so professional, polished and put together. When she decided a few years ago to pursue fashion styling for women, I was thrilled for her because I knew she had decided to follow her passion in life. It has always been obvious to those around her that she is highly gifted in this area and she absolutely loves helping women find their own personal style. She has helped me not only put together stylized looks for my professional careers, she has equipped me with the tools to make wise decisions with investing in my wardrobe so that I have longevity and versatility in my clothing. What this has meant to me is that my inner confidence and the gifts that I have to give in serving people can shine through, knowing that I am showing up as the best version of me, both inside and out. Isn’t that just-

M: Wow, that is just - Pam!

K: Here’s the thing though, Mandy, that’s why I wanted to get you on here. I told you this podcast is about encouraging women and you know, hopefully men will be encouraged as well but you really, I think, really empower and encourage women more than you could ever really know. And that’s why I thought it would be good to be able to really get your wisdom out there and help people just to feel better. When you look better, you feel better. That’s just reality for all of us.

M: It is so much reality, yes. Oh gosh, that’s just so, so sweet of Pam. I don’t know what to say.

K: She’s just the best, isn’t she? And you are too.

M: Oh, thank you! I love her, yes. I’ve loved working with her and her business. It’s been amazing. Yeah, really it know, the goal is just to help individuals feel better about themselves so whether that’s clothing or fashion or food that we eat. You know, whatever. Services - that’s what it’s really about.

K: Yes, I would agree with that.

M: You left me speechless!

K: Hey, that’s exciting! I thought that would be just a really nice way to be able to show you the impact that you’re having in people’s lives.

M: Thank you. Thank you.

K: Absolutely. You are so welcome. So, let's have a little bit of fun as far as like what are some trends that you’re noticing for this fall and winter that you are absolutely all about and feel like people really need to know about them?

M: Well, I don’t know about you but when it turns September first, I feel like it’s fall. I know it’s not. I feel the need to bust out my boots and my jeans and my sweaters and I know there’s a ways to go but I’ve already been adding to my wardrobe for the fall. There are some good trends out there right now and I feel like they’re wearable trends. I always tell people, “You know, trends are not for everyone. Just because it’s a trend doesn’t mean it’s for you.” I would definitely pick a clothing item that looked great on me over a trend item that just looked “okay”, you know?

K: Sure. That makes sense.

M: Yeah. Some of the trends that I really see a lot of this fall is plaid again-.

K: Oh, I love plaid.

M: Plaids have been around for a while but plaid in tweed, a lot of the bigger checks and the tartan plaids-. You’re going to see a lot of that, especially in blazers and jackets. I’m seeing a lot in pants and trouser pants too. Animal prints is huge again which is, like I think even zebra.

K: Oh, really?

M: Yeah. Zebra and leopard in skirts. You’ll see a lot of animal print in shoes. A lot in those slides, you know like flat shoes. And the faux cat hair skin or the leopard print. Also, the color red is going to be big. That’s easy to do. You know, certainly you can add red with a sweater or something but even if you don’t want to do clothing, you know add red nail polish or red lipstick. You don’t have to be dressed head to toe in red but you can wear something easy like your accessories, a lip product or your nails. That’s an easy way. Or even, like a clutch or handbag to bring out in the evening or something.

Also, the western look is big for the fall. You’ll see a lot of pointy toed little booties that have a western flair with a heel that’s pushed in a little bit to give it that western boot look. But even shirts and dresses with the plaid.

K: It’s not pearl snaps, is it? Like my grandpa wears? It’s not pearl snaps?

M: No, no. Not like that.

K: Okay, just making sure! They may make a comeback you know.

M: Oh, my gosh. I love it! But yeah, you can buy cowboy boots too. And you’ll see a lot of like neckerchiefs that you wear around your neck like a little bandana. You’ll see a lot of that as well. I think leather is big still. That’s going to be skirts, even pants and of course leather jackets. Fringe is big again. But more for fun. More delicate and beaded, that kind of stuff. Also like a lot of ruching. You’ll see ruching on tops and dresses. Those are kind of the top ten or so that I think you’re going to probably see a lot. Some are easier to wear than others, that’s for sure.

K: That’s great! Thank you. That gives us an idea of what to expect and look for if we want to add in a few of those things. I’ve definitely wanted a pair of cowboy boots for years, to be honest with you and my husband is like, “Where are you going to wear those?” We live in North Dakota! It’s totally fine! But I’m glad to hear that. So, this is the time?

M: Yes. And you know, that’s the thing about western boots. You’re probably not going to wear them that often but they’re timeless. You’ll have them forever. They’re never going to go out of style and you’ll just have them. I have a couple pairs that I’ve had over the past seven years and I don’t wear them that often but if I go to a country concert or I go to Nashville, I’ve got a little country!

K: Absolutely! I love that! Are there any trends where you’re like, “Uck, get out of here.” No offense to anyone if they wear these but you know, are there any where you’re just like, “They have to leave. I’m so over it.”

M: Gosh, you know honestly...I’m kind of over skinny jeans. I know they’re never going to go away but I think we are seeing the trend to kind of go more back towards a straight leg or like a baby bootcut. Honestly, boot cut is flattering on everyone where a skinny jean is not. A skinny jean is not for everyone. It’s not going anywhere but I feel like we could start adding in more of a crop layer, a straight leg or a bootcut and I think I would really like that.

K: I have a friend who has the same perspective. I swear you guys are spirit sisters. You guys would absolutely get along. She actually sent me pictures of her closet as well and it was amazing.

Is there anything that you personally have done or you’ve seen someone else do and you wish a lot of people would start to utilize as far as a trend?

M: Gosh, um - I can’t think of anything off the top of my head.

K: That’s okay! You know what I think is really good about you, though. Like Pam had said, you really help people find their own personal style and I think that’s really great too because as you work through it, there may be things that really work for you personally. I didn’t realize that I do like so many classic items until you were like, “Wow! You have a lot of things that you can use together because you must tend to go towards that.” That was really good for me to know my own sense of fashion.

M: I try to stay more classic. I feel like that’ll take you further, rather than having a bunch of trendy things. I certainly love trendy things and it’s fun to add those in. I definitely try to encourage people to add classic things in but every person is different, everyone’s lifestyle is different - what they do for a job, what they do during the day so you try to work around that but still give them their own style as well if that makes any sense. I’m not one of those that look at social media stuff and I’m on a lot of that but I never really look at other people’s things and think, “Oh, I need to have that! I need to run out and buy that!” I know a lot of people do that but I always thought to myself that I’m not really like that. I always want to remain true to who I am and my style. Just because someone else is wearing it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s something I need. I always go with what works best with my body type and what works best on me versus a trend first.

K: That makes sense. That’s good advice to follow for sure. Do you ever feel like you have pressure to always make sure you’re dressed? Does that make sense, with the line of work that you do? Or is it so inherently you just to be so put together?

M: It’s totally me. I never feel the pressure because I work, my husband and I work together and even if I did not work, I would still get myself up at my normal time and I would get myself put together because I feel my best when I’m put together and I’ve always been like that. Even as a child growing up and high school and college and my early twenties - that’s just me. I’ve never felt pressure like I have to wear a certain style because I’m on social media or because I wardrobe styling and editing business.

I think that’s what sets me apart from maybe some other individuals that do similar things that I do or that are on social media - I try to remain true to who I am.

What you see on Instagram, when I post on FaceBook, those are my clothes that I’ve purchased and those are the things that I wear, that I’ve picked out. It’s not like someone sent me these things just so I would post on Instagram or something like that. I've done that from the get go I don't really believe in getting a bunch of free things to promote somebody else's business. If it’s something i truly would wear - like I have some bracelets that a company sent me. I wear them, but I love them. It’s not because they sent them to me and I felt like I had to post it.

I really don't feel the pressure to look a certain way or to always be put together because that’s really how I am anyway. Even if I didn’t have a wardrobe styling and editing business or have a social media account. That’s a good question.

K: Can I ask you one more thing? It sounds like you’ve always been like this and the social worker in me is so curious to know - is this something your mother encouraged? Is she really put together? Or were you just individually like, “I love to feel good so I’m going to do this”?

M: You know what? My mother never was.

K: Really?

M: Yeah. I’m not really sure where I got it. My sister’s kind of the same too, but I think I would watch and read magazines as a young girl. I worked early on in my teens and would earn money and I liked clothing. But, no, I’m not sure where it came from.

When I was a kid, I always wanted to have my hair done. We really did come from a poor family so we really struggled to get our hair done or wear makeup. My mom never wore makeup. She never, never would wear hairspray because she had a lot of breathing problems so she couldn’t have that stuff.

I’m just the opposite. I thought, “I don’t want to be like that. I want to look nice and put together,” so it was kind of the opposite of that.

K: Thanks for sharing. I really appreciate that. I’m always curious, I’m always thinking, “Where did this start?” I can’t shut it off. My apologies.

M: I know my grandmother, she was deceased when I was young, but I do know she always dressed really nice. I’ve have a display with a lot of her clothing. Maybe it skipped a generation.

K: That’s really awesome that you have those. I’m really big on past generations so I think that’s really great that you have those. So, one more question before we tell everyone how to reach you and finish up here. Who would you say is your biggest encourager in life? That’s hard, I realize, because there could be multiple people. So, if you need to, name a few. Off of the top of your head, who pops up?

M: Definitely my husband. He’s the one that, when I thought about doing this, even though I was working in our landscaping business, he said, “This is what you love. If we need to find somebody else to take your position, we can do that. You need to do what makes you happy.” He knows that I like to look nice and that I love to help other people. So, definitely my husband. From the get-go, he was like, “You need to do this. We’ll figure it out.” And that’s worked out.

I did the editing and styling more on a part-time basis. In the Collect Cities, it’s hard because it’s different from being in Chicago or a big city.

I also have a really good friend - her name is Christy, and a couple other friends that really, when I started, were like, “You really need to do this.” They gave me the confidence to do it. I remember Christy and I, when I was thinking about doing this, we scheduled the appointment, went to Chicago and scheduled a personal styling appointment at Nordstroms because I wanted to see what the process was.

Unfortunately, I didn’t have a great experience. But I thought, “Oh, I can totally do better than this!”

I planned for a year and then I launched my business the next February. I got everything in order, started with my Instagram and launched my editing and styling business in 2015.

K: It’s great to have people like that surrounding you and supporting you, especially if you’re not really able to pick up on it, which you weren't. Obviously, that’s a skill of yours. Our biggest supporters and encouragers sometimes can say, “Hey, that’s your calling and we need to get this figured out.”

M: Sometimes I was like, “Well, this is just me. This is what I do.” If you don’t say go, somebody else is going to pick up on those types of services. Sometimes you need somebody like that, that second set of eyes, to say, “You really need to do this and people will love this. You can help people.” And like I said before, that’s what it’s about.

K: Absolutely. I think when you keep that as your mindset, no matter what you’re doing, that’s really beneficial and can really take you far.

So, can you tell everybody, you mentioned your Instagram, but what are the best ways to reach you if they want to go through editing, styling, maybe they just have some questions for you - how can they reach you?

M: They can certainly give me a call and I can provide my phone number or they can email me. For my phone number, it’s (563) 940-1056. You can find that also on my website. My website is You can email me and that’s and then I am on FaceBook under Fashion Unfolded by Mandy and then also on Instagram with that same Fashion Unfolded by Mandy. It’s fashion_unfolded_bymandy. Sorry about the underscore thing. You know how Instagram can be.

K: Oh, no problem. If you were to ask me what your Instagram name is right now, I would really have to look, I’m not kidding you, so it’s all good! What we’ll go ahead and do though is I will have my assistant tag all of the ways to access you in the transcript so that’ll be on my website at That way, people can access you through there as well if they’re having any difficulty finding you.

Well, thank you so much Mandy for joining us today and for sharing your wisdom. I really appreciate it.

M: Yes, my pleasure!







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